Monday, September 3, 2007


A day at Barnes and Noble. Didn't see a whole lot of interesting people. However a fight broke loose. One small guy vs. one really tall guy. How it happened? No idea. I did overhear that the tall guy was trying to force him out of the seat (so claims the small guy). However, the small guy's shirt was ripped and torn apart. Ginormous hole in his shirt. Poor bastard.

[Note to self-learn Kung Fu, Jujitsu, Karate, or anything else of the matter. Cuz apparently NYC is that dangerous. (I mean, come on, a fight in B&N? crazy crazies out there)]

Bill Clinton's coming tomorrow to Barnes and Noble at Union Square. 6PM. I would go, buy the book, and snatch a photo and an autograph...but I have work tomorrow. (Not too happy about that. But hey, income is good to have.) Oh well.

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