Monday, July 28, 2008

My Chemical Romance = the shiet

I haven't been posting as much as I should be. Guess I'm still trying to figure some things on my end. But anyways, these are just random paint sketches so I don't get too rusty with acrylics. Hopefully next month I'll do something oil based, but my place is a bit small and oils require some space.

for kicks

skin color practice.

darks and lights practice. in progress.

for kicks.

skin practice.

self portrait.


Anonymous said...

Hey Alex,
I love this piece because this gorilla has an almost human quality and expression. Keep up the great work. Wishing you all the best in your endeavors. Always, Sharon (classmate 2007).

Elizabeth Savanella said...

these are nice!

M said...

Nice blog here Alex! I love these painting studies. Post some more.

Old asian man = my favorite.

Callan's Sketchblog said...

love those two old guys! such character :D